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EP Review: Socioanomaly by VOIID



Coming from Brisbane-based punk band VOIID, Socioanomaly is a fast-paced, distortion-heavy 7-track EP that has a lot to offer for fans of classic Punk and modern Rock,

With tunes like "Sour" and "R’n’R" bringing a dense gothic element into focus, with a fuzzy electricity that evokes nostalgia for 90’s punk classics like Hole or early Smashing Pumpkins. Beyond that, the EP is packed with chunky chords and punchy riffs, and feels like the next evolutionary step in grungy/skate punk.

As if pre-empting the years to come, the whole EP is overloaded in frustration and angst, and takes aim at the issues of abuse and mental health, topics that have been ever-present in the public conscience in the years since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Their third release, “Socioanomaly” also marks the band’s first release since signing with Australian record label Damaged Music, joining the ranks of notable punk acts like Clowns and Private Function.


Picture: VOIID (sourced from


Now working on their debut album, the band have spent the past 2 years playing to packed crowds and winning over new audiences across the country.

- Dave Ruby Howe, Triple J

“⭐⭐⭐⭐ This (Sour) is the song gives me the same satisfying release as going into a wreck room and smashing a bunch of things - aahhhhh soooooo goooooood!”

- Ash McGregor, Triple J

To listen to Socioanomaly and more from VOIID, check out the links below!

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